Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Busy, Busy!

So, I decided the blog challenge wasn't that fun. I would rather blog at my own convenience, about stuff that matters at the moment. I felt like it was just one more thing on my to-do list, so I wrote it off completely. The end of the year is winding down and I still have a lot to do to get ready for Christmas and prepare for the new year. But, getting Leityn healthy has been at the top of my list so I am slowly getting caught up this week. THANK YOU so much to everyone that has sent well wishes and kept us in their prayers. I remain grateful that everything he's been diagnosed with over the past two months are all temporary sicknesses and over all, he is a healthy child.

Our Christmas plans have been revolving around Leityn getting his tubes on Monday and him hopefully being well enough to do so. But, the anesthesiologist called last night and said they will not do the surgery for 6 weeks after a child has pneumonia. So, another set back and more rearranging of our plans. Aside from that, his doctor is saying keep him away from children and sick people, which pretty much writes off going to the Evans Family Christmas since there's usually about 50 of us, and a lot of kids. That really hurts my heart as it doesn't seem like Christmas without being with them on Christmas Day. But, we will make the most of it for sure. I know his health is the most important and it's not like we all wont see each other after Christmas. I think we will be going to my Mom's and just staying camped out there for a few days. As with all families, we have had some family drama over the past few weeks and all though I would rather spend my holiday with complete strangers than see certain people, I am determined to not allow them to take any more of my positive energy away. This will be a happy occasion whether they show up or not. So, even with family drama, Leityn being  sick, money being tight, and not getting to do things as planned, I am really looking forward to our first family Christmas with sweet Leityn Bug.

I am emotionally preparing to begin our Fast on January 3rd, which is also the same day I begin the School of Discipleship at Free Chapel and Leityn turns ONE! All three of these things are exciting ways to ring in the new year and we are really looking forward to it.

God is GOOD every day of the year and I hope everyone remembers that HE is the true Reason for the Season!

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